Stylish Winter Look

Brrrr (that is the sound my body made when it stepped outside today) que frio!

New York City is having one of the coldest winters in over 80 years and I think people are about ready for it to be over. None of our bitching and ranting will make it go away so we have to find a way to deal.


I've put together a quick layering guide that should help you bear this weather without cramping your style. Obviously layering is key and trust me when I say that more is better in this occasion - I wear two pairs of socks, fleece leggings underneath my jeans and multiple long sleeve shirts... I do not play with the cold.

You may still have the urge to curse the very moment you step foot outside (carajo!) but at least you'll look cute. Once I nailed the art of layering, I was able to wear more stylish yet functional coats so that my fashion sense shines through.


An actual list of all of my layers!


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